New Cover + Banner Art! Stretch Goal Hit!

New Cover and Banner Art

So! You might have noticed that MORIAH has a bit of a new look! That's thanks to Armanda and RP! Armanda is doing the layout for MORIAH and found the most gorgeous art to create this ethereal mountain. RP was kind enough to offer some advice on making the page more accessible, and is also running a ZiMo2022 project you can check out here!

Stretch Goal Hit: New Road Coming!

Thanks to the contributions of our wonderful backers, and from purchases of other games (including a mass flood for End of the Line), we've gotten past $700! This means my friend Stuart Martyn is going to be writing a fourth Road for inclusion in MORIAH's final text! I know Stu from his fantastic work in the space of Play By Email Megagames, and his experience in writing for Demon The Fallen means he's got a very good grip in all things twisted and strange!

What Comes Next?

We've got three more goals to hit before my fully realized vision for MORIAH comes true! Here's what you have to look forward to, when we hit each milestone:

  • $1000: Tony Tran does FOUR more pieces of stellar art, for inclusion inside MORIAH!
  • $1100: Dyer Rose creates a fully fledged character sheet for MORIAH, with a model of the human body for you to mark as you see fit!
  • $1300: The inimitable Misha Panarin creates a FIFTH Road for inclusion in MORIAH!

After that, the money raised will be going towards paying for the layout and editing of the stretch goal content, and possibly me being paid for my initial work!

And after that...

We MIGHT have more art and more Roads for you to travel upwards!


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